Many changes have occurred last year including our dining experiences. We have been encouraged to spend more time at home, and many who have hardly or never cooked before, were now in the kitchen with recipe books in hand conjuring up meals. Either simple and convenient recipes or more complex ones, regardless, we got cooking! These trends look like they will stay with us in 2021, at least for the first half. Clearly, at-home dining practices will likely brighten a somewhat uncertain year.
We can still make it fun. Our tips for home dining are as follows:
Organise civilized dinner parties. Dinner parties today don’t need to have a selection of specially handpicked guests. What better guests to have than your own family. You can still add your special touches to the evening - dress up, add table decorations, add name cards (click on the vases)
Ethnic dinner plans – pick a different cuisine every week. Indian, Italian, Chinese, Mediterranean, Vietnamese, Mexican …..the list is endless. Get creative with your cooking. Decorate your table with memorabilia specially for the cuisine.
Turn your kitchen /dining area into a restaurant. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, have your children design posters, cardboard decorations, menus, pin them up and voila. Dress up as waiters, why not try a fast food diner, make burgers, fries, milkshakes, have your children as customers ordering. Make it fun.
For now we can only improvise until eating out, going to restaurants will resume. However, who said we cannot make it interesting.